CAIMed is the Lower Saxony research center for artificial intelligence and causal methods in medicine. We develop innovative methods for improved, personalized healthcare and contribute to the management of widespread diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases and infections. The combination of excellent locations in Lower Saxony for methodical AI research, data-intensive medicine, medical informatics and basic medical research creates a unique flagship project for research into AI and personalized medicine.

CAIMed starts with 12 method-oriented junior research groups at the participating universities, consisting of 24 scientific staff. The groups will be led by experienced researchers in computer science and medicine, who will also be CAIMed members and act as mentors for the new groups. The strategic and content-related networking of all participating institutions from Hanover, Göttingen and Braunschweig is guaranteed from the outset and can be further developed dynamically. further developed dynamically. The involvement of mentors with a medical background ensures a direct link to the medical focus of CAIMed. All 12 groups provide resources for data processing in the medical focus areas. The junior research groups are organized in four methodological clusters: "AI and Semantics", "AI and Decisions", "AI and Agents" and "AI and Signals", each with cluster spokespersons.