Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Marius Lindauer
L3S Research Center
Prof. Dr. Marius Lindauer has been Professor of Machine Learning at Leibniz University Hannover since 2019 and has headed the Institute for Artificial Intelligence since 2022. His research focuses on automatic machine learning (AutoML) to enable efficient and targeted development of new AI applications. Other research areas include Bayesian optimization, reinforcement learning and interpretable ML. He is co-leader of the AutoML.org supergroup, member of ELLIS, member of the extended board of directors of the L3S research center, co-founder and board member of the COSEAL research network, and was awarded an ERC Starting Grant on AutoML in 2022.
"AI is revolutionizing many areas, from research and business to everyday life. But in medicine in particular, AI is key to better understanding the human body and opening up new treatments. In a multi-modal environment with a wide variety of tasks and requirements, it will be all the more important that we develop an AI toolkit that enables new medical AI applications quickly, flexibly and comprehensibly."