The  The University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG) As part of its strategic planning, pursues the consistent further development of its profile-forming research focus areas of neurosciences, cardiovascular medicine and oncology with translational approaches, including as a partner location of the health research centers  German Centre for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK)German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) and  The German Center for Child and Adolescent Health (DZKJ).

The UMG is closely networked on the Göttingen Campus with the natural and life sciences institutions of the university as well as the non-university institutions on site. In the field of data sciences and computer science, the UMG cooperates closely with the  Campus-Institute Data Science (CIDAS) of the university and is part of the Lower Saxony Research Center for Artificial Intelligence and Causal Methods in Medicine (CAIMed).

CAIMed links locations in Lower Saxony in methodical AI research, data-intensive medicine, biomedical informatics and basic medical research to form a unique research network for AI and personalized medicine.

The Institute of Medical Statistics at the UMG is seeking to fill a university professorship (f/m/d) in statistics with a focus on causal methods in medicine (temporary W1, tenure track W2) as of 01.06.2025. The appointment will initially be for a period of three years. If the interim evaluation is positive, the employment relationship will be extended for a further three years. The transfer to a lifetime professorship (W2) without advertisement will take place after a positive evaluation of the junior professorship in the fifth year.

CAIMed is creating 13 interdisciplinary junior research groups in the clusters “AI and Semantics”, “AI and Decisions”, “AI and Drugs” and “AI and Signals” to address current research and application issues.

The professorship includes the establishment and management of a working group in the CAIMed cluster “AI and Semantics” with a focus on “Statistical Evidence in AI Systems” at the Institute of Medical Statistics.

Your tasks
  • Establishment and management of the junior research group “Statistical Evidence in AI Systems”
  • Development, investigation and application of methods for causal inference and evaluation of artificial intelligence
  • Close and structured networking with other working groups at the UMG, in particular
  • Publication of high-quality scientific publications in the field of cardiac medicine as well as with the other CAIMed locations
  • Involvement in university teaching and supervision of students
  • Outstanding doctorate in statistics, mathematics or a related subject with strong quantitative components
  • At least a limited phase of independent scientific activity in the field of statistics or data science after the doctorate
  • Erfahrung in der Entwicklung und Anwendung von Methoden zur kausalen Inferenz und Evaluation von Künstlicher Intelligenz
  • Above-average publication profile
  • Willingness to engage in interdisciplinary, scientific collaboration
  • Willingness and ability to competitively acquire externally funded research projects

The call is aimed at applicants at an early stage of their academic career who are in the process of developing an independent academic profile following an outstanding doctorate.

The recruitment requirements for junior professors are set out in Section 30 of the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act in the currently valid version. The UMG has the right of appointment.

Applications from researchers from abroad are expressly encouraged.

The UMG aims to increase the proportion of women and therefore expressly encourages qualified women to apply. Severely disabled persons will be given preferential consideration if suitable.

Have we piqued your interest? If so, we look forward to receiving your application!

Please send your application by 28.11.2024 via the application portal of the  University Medical Center Göttingen

For technical information, please contact us by e-mail at




Please send your application by 28.11.2024 via the application portal of the University Medical Center Göttingen:

To the application portal

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