Prof. Dr. Yang Li
Director of the Center for Individualized Infection Medicine (CiiM)
Yang Li holds a W3 Full Professorship in Computational Biology and serves as the Director of the Centre for Individualised Infection Medicine, a joint venture between Hannover Medical School (MHH) and the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) in Germany. Her research integrates multi-omics data using AI to understand and predict disease outcomes and vaccine responses. Additionally, her team employs multi-modal single cell genomics and spatial genomics to study the genetic basis and molecular interactions underlying complex traits and immune-related diseases. Furthermore, they develop novel computational methods and algorithms, including causal inference and deconvolution methods.
“CAIMed combines AI, causal inference, and multi-omics to revolutionize personalized healthcare. Utilizing advanced machine learning, we decode complex biological data to predict disease outcomes and improve vaccine responses, positioning CAIMed at the forefront of innovation in managing diseases such as infections.”