The Hanover Medical School (MHH), mit rund 10.000 Beschäftigten größter Landesbetrieb des Landes Niedersachsen, ist eine universitäre Einrichtung für Forschung und Lehre in der Human- und Zahnmedizin und ein Universitätsklinikum der Supramaximalversorgung. Forschung, Lehre, Krankenversorgung und Administration arbeiten im Integrationsmodell auf dem MHH-Campus Hand in Hand.

Die MHH ist einer der Standorte des CAIMed. Bei CAIMed erforschen und entwickeln internationale Teams innovative Methoden an der Schnittstelle zwischen KI und personalisierter Medizin und tragen zur Bekämpfung häufiger Krankheiten wie Krebs, Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen und Infektionen bei.

CAIMed at MHH offers a position as Head of the Junior Research Group "Human-centered Al".

Die Ausstattung der Gruppe umfasst neben der Leitung zwei Doktorandenstellen und eine halbe Sekretariatsstelle. Die Stellen und die Forschungsgruppe werden dem Peter L. Reichertz Institut für Medizinische Informatik (PLRI) der TU Braunschweig und der MHH zugeordnet. Das PLRI, eines der größten Medizininformatikinstitute in Deutschland, bietet hervorragende Forschungsmöglichkeiten. Wir arbeiten in interdisziplinären Projekten mit Gesundheitszentren, Forschungsinstituten, Unternehmen und öffentlichen Organisationen auf regionaler, nationaler und globaler Ebene zusammen.

Your tasks
  • Development and establishment of the junior research group
  • Developing new human-centred AI approaches together with clinical partners
  • Support in the acquisition of third-party funding
  • Publication of high-quality scientific publications
  • Involvement in national and international research networks
  • Collaboration in university teaching and supervision of students

More details here: Junior Research Group "Human-centered Al"

Your profile
  • PhD in computer science, data science, business, medical, bio- or business informatics, mathematics or a comparable degree programme
  • Extensive research experience in (at least) one of the following areas
  • Visual analytics of medical data
  • AI-based medical image analysis
  • Clinical decision support systems
  • Medical data science and/or knowledge engineering
  • Above-average publication profile
  • Very good oral and written English skills
  • Willingness to work closely with an interdisciplinary project team
  • Initiative and a results-orientated working style
  • Experience in acquiring third-party funding and management are an advantage
Our offer
  • A full-time position with 38.5 hours per week, initially limited until 31 October 2028, with one of the largest employers in the state of Lower Saxony
  • remuneration in accordance with TV-L in EG 14-15, taking into account the individual qualification, with the benefits of the public sector (e.g. company pension scheme and additional insurance through VBL)
  • Increased flexibility through partially mobile work or teleworking
  • the opportunity to acquire your own third-party funding and to further develop your own academic qualifications (habilitation) and leadership skills
  • Work in a motivated, team-orientated and international research institute
  • Personal and professional development opportunities - supported by our diverse internal and external training and further education programmes
  • A job ticket for local public transport and other diverse offers
  • An excellent range of sports, counselling and prevention programmes - because your health is important to us

Have we piqued your interest? If so, we look forward to receiving your application!

Please send your application by 31.01.2024 via the application portal of the Hannover Medical School

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Oeltze-Jafra by e-mail or phone via +49 (0) 511 532 80830 .




Please send your application by 31.01.2024 with reference to the ID 2142 via the application portal of Hannover Medical School:

To the application portal

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Oeltze-Jafra by e-mail or phone +49 (0) 511 532 80830 .